No Giant Worms on this Dune. But there are adorable endangered chubby cheeked Anastasia Island Beach Mice. It’s not erosion that threatens this one-of-kind species.
Discover one of St Augustine’s many barrier islands and river spoils. Spend time in a private paradise with this tour. See the most powerful forces threatening our wetlands up close.

“…Yada Yada. So land is washing away before our eyes. No biggie. The sea is reclaiming the shore! What’s to do?”
Go kayaking and have a picnic on a disappearing beach of course!
Choose from two secluded beach escapes:
Get a close up look at restoration efforts to restore Crescent Beach Waterfront Homes.

Ponder strategies to control nature’s power. Ride through a man-maintained tributary connecting Matanzas Bay to the Pellicier Aquatic Preserve. Spend time playing on the sandbars and beaches in this out of sight waterway.
Take in the sights and each other’s company as we paddle to strand ourselves on an isolated beach.

We admit, adventure isn’t alllll about kayaking. It is also pleasant to get out and stretch our legs. Spend time hiking through sand dunes. Climb rocks, swim, splash in tidal pools, relax on the beach, comb for treasure, and whatever else your fancy delights on a magical shore. No really! Its magical. In 1964, miles of dune mysteriously appeared.

Get up close with issues of storm predictions, shoreline erosion, resource preservation, shoreline restoration, changing climate, rising sea levels, pollution, extinction, over population… then rejoice with the many ways we are all working together to turn things around.
What to bring: all the yadda plus + Beach blanket, towel, small cooler with refreshments and treats, extra water, dark tanning oil, something to read, a bag to collect sea glass, sharks teeth, and shells.
Guide brings: the rest of the yadda plus + Beach Umbrellas, fishing gear, body boards, fresh fruit, interesting beverages, and something crunchy or chewy to snack on.
What to wear: All that plus + activity appropriate attire for swimming, hiking on trails which may have thorns, sun bathing, climbing granite boulders, chasing Fairies and Anastasia Beach Mice.