Swamp Thing

Kayaking in swamps of Florida

The shaded freshwater kayak launch sites on our menu of GeoTrips. Get this, they are still tidal, affected by the mouth of the St. Johns River at Mayport in Jacksonville, FL.

Cow Dock in Florida Swamp Tour
Cow Dock, Trout River

Launch your guided kayak tour from one of two fresh water rivers inland.

Both are tributaries of the St. Johns River.

Both excellent choices for an epic shaded Florida Swamp Adventure.

Both 20 minutes from Downtown St. Augustine.

Wild and remote! Fresh water creek and swamp. Rural St. John’s county. Near Hastings, FL at the intersection of 206 and 207.

Paddling under the Florida Scenic Trail, Deep Creek is going to take us farther away form civilization than any other tour. This winding tree covered swamp creek is both a pleasure and exciting.

Count on Trout River to be calm and wind free. Wider and almost seeming to be manicured it so pretty. 
Trees rustling over head, means only cool shade breezes below even in the summer. Lazily paddle up the barely brackish tidal creek stretching into the Deep Creek Preserve… Or, a big ‘ole swamp if you will.