Florida Motivates to Fight Climate Change

The recent action by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is motivation for individuals who desire to take action against climate change. Congress ought to emulate his example. In January 2023, the Florida Governor made the largest investment ever in the Everglades, solidifying his reputation as an environmentalist.

DeSantis has consistently prioritized environmental protection as a key component of his agenda as governor. He has been a persistent and steadfast supporter of the Sunshine State’s natural resources, whether it be through enlarging Florida’s wildlife corridor or by vetoing a bill opposing rooftop solar. DeSantis may have one of the greatest records among his peers when it comes to the environment, even if his administration doesn’t usually label his acts as being for the “climate.”

After all, there is a wealth of possibilities for carbon sequestration in the Everglades. According to a National Science Foundation-funded study, the mangrove forests that cover the Everglades’ swampy shoreline and the carbon they store are actually worth billions of dollars. It is a no-brainer to invest in this renowned Floridian ecosystem since the peat in the Everglades’ soil has a high capacity to store carbon.

Preserving and restoring ecosystems like the Everglades has long been referred to as climate action. Conservation techniques that boost the capacity of nature to store carbon are also referred to as “natural climate solutions,” and they are well-liked by both the general public and Republicans like DeSantis. To maintain the health of our natural areas and help reduce emissions, organizations like Ducks Unlimited and the Nature Conservancy have been working on ecosystem restoration projects for decades.

90% of people support planting a trillion trees to store carbon, according to a 2020 Pew Research Center survey. After the 2022 midterm elections, Gov Desantis’s discovered that natural climate solutions were viewed as the second most effective climate solution, after renewable energy. It makes sense why this type of climate action is so well-liked. Some of the most affordable climate solutions are natural ones, and they may be implemented right away. They also provide local stakeholders with more authority, including ranchers, farmers, and recreational users as well as private landowners.

While state policies like those in Florida are significant, Congress should place more emphasis on finding natural climate solutions. Congress has an excellent opportunity to collaborate in a bipartisan manner to battle climate change with nature, from funding blue carbon research to comprehend the potential of ecosystems like the Everglades to legislation that incentivizes restoration and proper forest management.

Legislation from the last Congress, like the Growing Climate Solutions Act and the Save Our Sequoias Act, showed that this area of policy is really supported by both Democrats and Republicans. This theme can and should be continued in the current Congress. It’s also what the people want, and it’s a good policy that will actually reduce emissions.

The Everglades is a great example of an environment with the potential to store carbon, but it’s in desperate need of restoration. Moreover, the growing popularity of activities like kayaking and fishing will only increase as the area is restored. By investing in natural climate solutions now, we can provide better recreation opportunities for future generations while also helping to reduce carbon dioxide levels. It’s a win-win for all involved, and Governor DeSantis’ leadership on this issue should be commended.

The protection of the environment is a cause that every kayaker should get behind. Kayakers rely on access to safe water sources and healthy ecosystems in order to enjoy their time outdoors. By investing in natural climate solutions, kayakers can help to ensure that they have clean and healthy waterways for generations to come. It’s time to get out on the water, start paddling and spread the word about how important it is to invest in natural climate solutions now!