Becoming a certified tour guide in the GTM Reserve can provide learning opportunities to discover and share ecological stories about the variety of wildlife that call it home. From alligators, otters, dolphins, and stingrays to manatees, Roseate Spoonbills, raptors, and turtles, learning about each species and their habitats can be an exciting part of learning how to lead tours in the reserve. Along with learning how to kayak in the reserve’s tidal basin, researchers recommend that anyone who wants to become a tour guide take the time to learn more about the unique animals that live in this coastal area.

People who want to get certified as guides in the GTM Reserve must first learn how to guide. Located in St Augustine’s three-river inland coastal tidal basin, this reserve provides aspiring ecotourists with an exciting learning opportunity. Those who are studying for their certification can expect to encounter diverse wildlife, from alligators to manatees, and to have the chance to learn about the ecological stories that have shaped this beautiful environment. These exhilarating tours showcase the depths of learning that can be attained by guides who wish to become certified and serve as a testament to what one can discover when learning how best to lead others on breathtaking excursions in the reserves’ waters.