So what should you bring on your kayak tour?
Getting prepared for your kayak adventures
Here are the important things to consider when you are preparing to go on a kayak adventure.
Firstly, a Local Kayaking Guide is critical if you are unsure of your kayaking skills. Besure you know how to avoid confusing, strong, and turbulent tidal currents when kayaking in St. Augustine, FL.

Clothing: Deciding what to wear is as easy as ABC. Anything But Cotton!
Swimwear and workout clothes made of dry fit fabrics keep us cooler when it’s hot. Synthetic kayaking clothes dry quickly allowing us to get warmer faster if it is cold out. But hey, if you enjoy chafing and shivering, go ahead, wear cotton when you go kayaking.
Change of clothes: Bring something to change into after your kayak tour will ensure your post trip wellbeing and comfort. If it is cold out, a dry change of clothes is essential to your safety.
Headwear: Wider the brim the better. Florida sun and humidity may cause Hyperthermia quickly when exerting ourselves paddling. A hat keeps your brain from frying! Better, it casts cooling shade. Critical to protect your delicate facial skin from direct exposure to the Sun’s damaging UV radiation. Night tours, consider bringing a head lamp.
Sunglasses: Polarized preferred. Easy to loose on the water. Be sure to secure them to your body.
Towels: leave in the car for after the trip. On hot days it’s nice to carry a Sport Towel in your dry bag to wipe your brow or clean the splash from your sunglasses.
Prevent Hypothermia: Yes! It’s also a thing in Florida. Bring a change of clothes and poncho if there is a chance of rain. Even in the middle of summer, getting caught in a cold rain with no Sun… potentially deadly if you are alone and far from home. Most wild areas have no shelter or protection from the wind.
Cold weather: Waterproof clothing, with extra base layers, gloves, ear protection and water resistant outer layers is crucial. Wetsuit or Drysuit is the best if there is a good chance of being drenched.
Prevent Hyperthermia: if you wait to drink water until you feel thirsty, it is too late to prevent overheating. Even for the most macho of machismos, insipid thirst and woozy fog overcomes a dehydrated person very quickly in no shade, hot, humid conditions common in St. Augustine, FL. And exercising? Oi! Your kayak guide is trained to keep you from drowning if you pass out. But let’s not let that happen. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
Hydration: vital to your safety and enjoyment in the great outdoors. Take this advice seriously. Proper hydration for outdoor activities in the hot Florida Sun begins the night before your adventure. We offer our guests cold water on all our Kayak Adventure Tours. We recommend bringing at least a liter, a gallon for a full day tour, when the sweat factor is high.
Alcohol: Drinking can lead to several different emergencies when kayaking. If avoiding alcohol isn’t possible, To eliminate dangers of dehydration double the following recommendations if you drink the night before your Kayaking Tour.
Water: start hydrating the night before your trip. It is not too much to drink a glass of water before bed, upon waking, before leaving home, and when you arrive at the launch point.
For the trip: bring at least one glass for every hour you plan on being out, then double that in case something happens to keep you out longer than expected.
Small bladder: it is extra important to start hydrating the night before and upon waking. Don’t drink the last 2 hours before departure. Fully hydrated and excess water removed, you should be good. Plan to lose up to a liter of sweat per hour when kayaking in Florida’s climate. Bring at least a liter, a gallon for a full day tour, when the sweat factor is high. Some kayak launches have lovely facilities for your pre trip maintenance. Other times, we offer the finest of ‘facilatrees’. On the water, we won’t always be able to get on shore easily. A cup or bottle may be your solution if there are further concerns. becomes an issue.
Food: trips of four or more hours think snacks, picnics, and water. Four hour GeoAdventures include munchies and refreshments. Full day excursions includes a lunch break. On shorter trips you can add snacks and picnics. If you have the time, consider adding an additional hour and a picnic for a small additional charge.
Blood sugar issues: Kayaking burns a lot of energy. Everyone is encouraged to bring their favorite snacks. It is nice to take a snack break on longer tours.
Antsy children: Short attention spans are not a reason to avoid kayaking with children. If you couldn’t bare the repercussions of losing or shorting out their favorite distraction, don’t bring it. They may surprise you. For some kids Mother Nature won’t be enough to get them to sit still. Bring the other great pacifier… treats! Your guide offers complimentary fruit, healthy snacks, and water on Trips over two hours.
Picnic: a nice way to finish off the experience. Many of the kayak launch points you’ll be at have grounds and facilities for picnicking. Bring your own or add a picnic and an extra hour to your kayak trip when booking your tickets.
Footwear: Oyster Shell is to Jagged Razor as Muck is to EEeeeewww! A good kayaker plans for the worst scenarios. Protect your feet.
Barefoot: Not recommended. While fun at the beach and around the pool– no good when traipsing through swamps, oysters, estuaries, and other wild areas of Florida. Shoes ensure you experience these places safely. Things happen, bladders burst, cell phones fall overboard. A shoe that won’t be sucked off your foot if you have to step in the mud is critical.
Water shoes: No brainer if you smell what we’re stepping in here. By far the best option will be closed toe and have firm thick soles.
Flip-flops: Many people enjoy wearing flip flops. A great option for convenience and comfort, not safety. Shoes without heel straps are prone to float away and stick to the ground then splash mud up your backside when you walk in the water. You will likely have to walk in water!
Other shoes: old sneakers, Crocs, jellies, sandals are all great options for getting wet. Just make sure you have a dry pair to change into after the trip. After your kayak eco tour is when a pair of flip flops is handy.
New Kicks: Your feet (and more!) will get wet. Leave the nice shoes in the box. This is for all our guests who said before… they never knew. We’ve now told you that you will get wet. How wet is yet to be seen.
Camera: Take nothing but pictures. Be mindful that if you couldn’t stand to loose or ruin something; leave it on shore. Most mobile phones are waterproof today. Having a lanyard for the camera to hang around your neck will prevent dropping your phone overboard.
Medication: Bring any emergency medicine you may need. Even if there is only a remote chance of needing it on your short trip. For example: Epipen, Nitroglycerin, Insulin.
Gratuity: bring cash to tip. Tips are never expected, but always appreciated. When compelled to give a sign of your appreciation and admiration for your guide and crew… cash is best.